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Rammell mulls decision on new Chief Justice

UK Overseas Territories Minister Bill Rammell

Overseas Territories Minister Bill Rammell is currently mulling over who to appoint as Bermuda's new Chief Justice.

All the information has been passed to Mr. Rammell at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, although Deputy Governor Nick Carter said yesterday he could not say if Governor Sir John Vereker has made a recommendation.

The appointment has been surrounded by controversy with Bermuda Public Service Union general secretary Edward Ball urging residents to protest if naturalised Bermudian Norma Wade Miller does not get the post.

Sir John broke with tradition by setting up a panel of experts - which he chaired - to look at the appointment, rather than making a recommendation after talking to the Premier and leader of the Opposition.

Mr. Carter told The Royal Gazette that the recommendation of the panel would not necessarily be accepted by Sir John because it is only one element in the process of deciding who should be Chief Justice Austin Ward's successor.

“The Minister is considering what decision to make. The interviews have taken place here in Bermuda and the Minister (Mr. Rammell) has had time to consider the recommendation,” said Mr. Carter yesterday.

“The panel has reached a conclusion, but that is only one part, because he (Sir John) has also conveyed the views of the Premier and the leader of the Opposition.

“The Governor is required to convey to the Minister what he has learned from the interviews and the consultation process. He does not necessarily make a recommendation.

“If he cannot make one, he could propose the options and say ‘this is your decision'. I can't say whether he has made a recommendation or not.”

Former Puisne Judge Richard Ground, an Englishman who is currently Chief Justice of Turks and Caicos, is understood to be a front-runner for the post.

Another Bermudian other than Ms Wade Miller is understood to be the third applicant for the post. Mr. Ball said Ms Wade Miller was qualified for the post and it would be a slap in the face for Bermudians in the public sector if she did not get the job.