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Read on! New learning programme for students

Students wishing to improve their listening and reading skills now have a place to turn to. The FastForWord lab in Devonshire is designed to help anyone experiencing language and comprehension difficulties. Education Minister Terry Lister said the programme ensures that students who need extra attention aren?t left behind.

?The FastForWord project is similar in that we are leveraging and maximising the use of technology for educational purposes. And if one takes an objective look at the public school system you will see that technology is playing an increasing role,? Mr. Lister said.

?The Ministry is constantly trying to raise the standards of our students to give them the opportunity to be all they can be.?

FastForWord tracks the success rate of students and scores them on different training sessions.

The lab is run by the Aerie Foundation and its manufacturer, Scientific Learning Corp. of Berkeley, California, claims that it has a success rate of 95 percent. It is being used as a pilot programme in the Chicago school system.

Dr. Sherrelle Jiggitts Walker, the chief education officer of Scientific Learning, said the programme targets anyone who is not learning at the level they should be and also helps students who want to upgrade their skills.