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Repeat offender jailed following break-in

A 41-year-old repeat offender will have to spend 18 months in prison in a bid to make the community safer.

Kevin Eugene Daniels was handed the sentence after he pleaded guilty to breaking into a woman's Smith parish home and stealing $27.

Crown counsel Wayne Caines told the court that Daniels, of Orange Grove, Pembroke, broke into the Smith's parish home on July 1, at around 3 p.m.

Mr. Caines said that the complainant had left her home securely locked. However, when she returned at around 7p.m. she found her door open and her house "ransacked".

He said that she checked the property and noticed $27 missing and a clock radio damaged. The Police Scenes of Crime officers later matched fingerprints with that of Daniels and he was arrested by Police and on Tuesday. He later admitted kicking in the woman's door and stealing the money.

Mr. Caines said: "This man is quite bothersome and he has a problem. He also lined (up)her intimate apparel on the ground."

Mr. Caines said that Daniels had previous convictions which included stalking, stealing, intruding on the privacy of a female, assaulting a female, and wilful assault. He then asked that the court give Daniels a custodial sentence.

"If the victim was home, who knows what might have happened," Mr. Caines said.

When he was asked if he would like to say anything, Daniels replied: "Ah sir, I would have to say that I'm sorry and it won't happen again, I promise you that."

Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves said: "I have observed the fidgeting behaviour of the defendant - he poses a danger to society, particularly to females."

He then handed Daniels an 18 month prison sentence and said that while he is in prison he should receive a psychiatric evaluation and inquiry.