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Rise in violent crimes `cause for concern'

Police are blaming revenge attacks for the increase in crime figures in the second quarter of this year.

There were 72 violent crimes committed in Bermuda between April and June, an increase of 14 on the first quarter of 2003 and the highest quarterly rate for nearly two years.

"Steady increases in crimes of violence are a cause for concern," said assistant Police commissioner Carlton Adams.

"There is a growing tendency for individuals to take the law into their own hands. There is a reluctance of victims of crimes on violence to make an official complaint.

"They have taken the law into their own hands after having been assaulted by others."

Mr. Adams said that the Police were undertaking a number of initiatives to prevent this escalating.

Vehicle removal offences, which fell by 43 per cent last quarter to just 232, were back up to 345 in the second quarter with 171 motor cycles and 110 auxiliary cycles being stolen in the three-month period - the equivalent of more than three a day.

But Mr. Adams said Police were targetting bike thieves.

"We have investigated groups of cycle thieves in all parts of the Island," he said.

"Some arrests have been made and other investigations are continuing."

There were 654 crimes committed in the period, including two murders, four serious assaults on Police and seven sexual assaults.