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Roban: No plans for Hamilton or St. George?s mega-ships

Government Senator Walter Roban used yesterday's Senate session to dispel fers that mega-cruise ships will be arriving at ports around the Island imminently.

Sen. Roban, Chairman of the Marine and Ports board, said the Waterfront Task Force had no plans to allow mega-cruise ships into Hamilton or St. George's.

Despite recent rumblings that it will be necessary to remove a portion of St. George's Tow Cut for these massive ships, Senator Roban said people are misinformed and there was no intention to bring the ships to that port at present.

"The only facility under review for the mega-ships is Wedco (Dockyard)," he said. "They received funding to expand their dock so they could facilitate the ships."

Sen. Roban confirmed this statement when later called by The Royal Gazette and said there were no plans currently to bring in mega ships anywhere but Dockyard.

He went as far as to say Hamilton was not being considered and was not currently the task force's top priority.

He did say that the Waterfront Task Force will make recommendations on the nature of port development for every port on the Island.

He again clarified that there were no plans, nor had there ever been, to alter Hamilton or St. George's ports to accommodate the mega-ships.

"Wedco is the only place that was considered for the larger ships," he said.