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Salvation Army head thanks 'very generous' public

MAJOR Doug Lewis, head of the Salvation Army on the island, has thanked the public for their generosity this month as the charity wrapped up its annual Christmas drive.

"The people have been incredibly responsive and very generous," said Major Lewis this week. "They've allowed us to expand our services in helping Bermuda's needy."

This extraordinary outpouring of the Christmas spirit gave relief and succour last week to hundreds of Bermuda's most underprivileged families. Roughly 1,000 hampers ¿ containing a grocery voucher, food and toys ¿ were distributed over two days last week. And according to Major Lewis, though it was no meagre challenge, Bermudian generosity prevailed.

"It's spread out over two days, so that individuals are given a date and a time to come. Prior to that the toys are put into piles by gender and age, then the food is sorted in to bags and they also receive a voucher and a turkey. I think we had a shortage of toys at one point, but people responded wonderfully and we came through in the end."

Although many Bermudians are ignorant to the plight of the impoverished on the island, Major Lewis believes attitudes are slowly changing.

"Attitudes towards the poor are improving as people are becoming more aware of this problem. People give according to their means but also knowledge. I think the attitude of the general public is changing, as they become more aware of the general need and what they can do to alleviate that suffering."

Although there are many charities on the island to help those in need, Major Lewis and his organisation can rightly take credit for improving the lot of Bermuda's poor. Major Lewis, however, attributes this simply to the kindness of the public.

"I'd like the opportunity to say thank you for their confidence. We've become an extension of their hands and feet, and we appreciate the confidence and trust they've placed in us."