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Seawater treatment plant expected to arrive soon

A new 130,000 gallon reverse osmosis seawater treatment plant will arrive in Bermuda from overseas in the next few weeks, Government has announced.

Department of Communications and Information spokesperson Nea Talbot told the facility will be located at Robinson?s Bay, the former ZFB site on North Shore, and will be dedicated to providing a water supply for a new water truckers outlet.

?Work has already progressed on site with some of the relevant electrical piping works. We expect that this facility will provide a significant addition to the trucked water supply on the Island,? Ms Talbot said.

Government reservoirs have been replenished and demand has been reduced to more manageable levels thanks to this week?s heavy rains. Government had also placed a second shipment of imported water on order, however as a result of the increased rain activity, that shipment has been cancelled.

?The reservoirs are replenishing themselves nicely,? said Ms Talbot.

Government does not have a final cost figure for the machine, but added that it is an energy efficient and state of the art model.

The Ministry of Works and Engineering has also sourced a steel tank which will be used to house the water to be produced from the proposed plant.

Minister of Works and Engineering Ashfield DeVent is currently off the Island and could not be reached for comment.