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Second batch of US exchange group fly out

Officials at the US Consul General have said "bon voyage" to another team of America-bound voluntary visitors.

Five Bermuda experts in the field of child and family development have travelled to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Maryland, Rochester, New York and Orlando, Florida for ten days of intensive talks with US counterparts.

The team, the second one to make the trip as part of the State Department's international visitor programme, includes Kennette Robinson and Renee Brown from the Department of Child and Family Services, Jennifer Manders from the Child Development Program, Garry Wilkinson from the Department of Financial Assistance and Granville Bennett representing the private non-profit Family Centre.

Mrs. Robinson, director of the family services department, heads the team.

The team will learn about mentoring and social service programmes, family enrichment, building futures for disadvantaged children and reversing absent father trends.

In Orlando, the team's last stop before heading home, the focus will be on juvenile justice programmes. They will visit the Children's Home Society of Florida.

US Consul General Gregory Slayton said: "The voluntary visitor exchange programme is one of many ways in which the American Consulate is reaching out to the Bermuda community.

"I am particularly pleased at the depth of knowledge and commitment that this year's team has displayed.

"We at the Consulate look forward to sending another strong team of Bermuda's leaders to the US in 2007."