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Senate post for radio announcer in new Cabinet

RADIO presenter Thaao Dill has been made a Senator and Junior Minister in Premier Ewart Brown's new Cabinet.

Mr. Dill's appointment was the one major surprise in the reshuffle, which was announced yesterday afternoon.

The controversial broadcaster worked for the Progressive Labour Party during its successful election campaign, featuring in political adverts for the ruling party. He later admitted that his employer ¿ radio station Hott 107.5, which is owned by Government MP Glenn Blakeney ¿ was probably in breach of broadcasting regulations.

But following the PLP's success at the polls on Tuesday, Dr. Brown thanked the station, and singled out Mr. Dill for praise.

"The PLP does not own a newspaper, we don't own a TV station, we don't own the other radio stations, except we have a friend at Hott," Dr. Brown told an enthusiastic crowd.

"And I want you to give it up for Thaao for what he has done for us."

Also drafted into the new Cabinet are former Minister Nelson Bascome, who takes over from Michael Scott at the Ministry of Health, and Warwick North Central MP El James (pictured left), who replaces Neletha Butterfield as Environment Minister. The former cricketer has also been given responsibility for Sport.

Former Labour and Immigration Minister Derrick Burgess is shifted to the Ministry of Works & Engineering, replacing Dennis Lister who is demoted to the backbenches. Senator David Burch, responsible for Housing and Public Safety in the last administration, keeps those portfolios and also acquires Mr. Burgess' former portfolios.

And former Minister Terry Lister resumes his seat in the Cabinet, taking over the newly-formed Ministry of Energy, Telecommunications and E-Commerce.

Wayne Perinchief also finds himself on the backbenches with the scrapping of the Ministry of Community and Cultural Affairs, although Social Rehabilitation Minister Dale Butler is given responsibility for Culture.

And former Attorney General Phil Perinchief, who failed to hold St. George's North on Tuesday, also finds himself out in the cold, replaced by lawyer and Senator Kim Wilson.

Paula Cox and Randy Horton stay on at the Ministries of Finance and Education, while Dr. Brown remains Minister of Tourism and Transport.


Ministry of Culture and Social Rehabilitation: Dale Butler

Ministry of Health: Nelson Bascome

Ministry of Works and Engineering: Derrick Burgess

Ministry of the Environment and Sport: Elvin James

Ministry of Labour, Home Affairs and Housing: David Burch

Ministry of Finance and Economic Development: Paula Cox

Ministry of Education: Randy Horton

Ministry of Energy, Telecommunications and E-Commerce: Terry Lister

Attorney General: Kim Wilson

Ministry of Tourism and Transport: Ewart Brown


Junior Minister Works and Engineering: David Burch

Junior Minister of Finance and Economic Development: Kim Wilson

Junior Minister of Education, Energy, Telecoms and E-commerce: Walton Brown,

Junior Minister of Culture and Social Rehabilitation: Thaao Dill

Junior Minister of Transport, Tourism, Environment and Sport: Wayne Caines.