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Senators to discuss smoking ban

An Island-wide smoking ban in public places will be discussed for the first time by Senators today.

The Tobacco Products (Public Health) Amendment Act 2005 has been tabled for a first reading in the Upper House.

MPs in the House of Assembly approved the Act, which will lead to a ban in bars, restaurants, offices and shops, on Friday.

Two Motor Car (Amendment) Acts are tabled for debate in the Senate for the second time. One will allow airport taxis to operate as school buses and the other will allow two new classes of vehicle ? passenger trucks and hire trucks.

Several pieces of "housekeeping" legislation are also on the agenda, aiming to tidy up existing legislation relating to exempted, limited and overseas partnerships as well as the realms of investments, trusts and banks.

To be read in the Upper House for the second time are the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 2005, which modernises Police arrest, detention and questioning procedures, the Criminal Law Act 2005, which abolishes the distinction between felonies and misdemeanours, and the Interpretation Amendment Act 2005, which redefines the meaning of summary cases at Magistrates' Court, indictable cases at Supreme Court and cases which are triable in either venue.