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Senators to meet today

Senators will be sitting today instead of Wednesday in an attempt to wrap up business before the Christmas break.

Among the announcements made to the Senate this morning will be the assessment of coastal damages resulting from Hurricane Fabian, as well as a review of asbestos in Bermuda and a summary report on asbestos at Southside. Several lease agreements relating to the Airport and airport services will also be announced.

The amendment to the Motor Car Amendment Act, which will allow Police to enforce seat belt laws beginning on January 1, will receive its first reading in the Senate. The Bermuda Red Cross Act 2003, the Jackson National Life (Bermuda) Ltd. Act 2003 and the Titan Life & Annuity (Bermuda) Ltd. Consolidation and Amendment Act 2003 will also be read for the first time in the Upper House.

The Education Amendment Act, forcing parents to take greater part in school activities, will be read for a second time, as will the Legal Aid Amendment Act. Senators are also expected to take notice of the Government Green Paper entitled: ?E-Business Green Paper: The Second Wave? before breaking for Christmas.