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'Sex rage' couple facing $34,000 bill

Jim Howes

A couple who forced a plane to land in Bermuda after they attacked cabin crew who stopped them having sex are facing a $34,000 bill for their pleasure.

And they run the risk of national shame back in England after UK tabloid The Sun ran the story with an appeal for the public to name and shame them.

It said stunned passengers watched in horror as the randy couple attacked cabin crew after being told to return to their seats.

They shouted abuse and spat as they grappled with the British Airways staff who forced them back into their business class seats.

And despite being restrained with plastic handcuffs, the pilot decided he had no choice but to divert the 777 jet to Bermuda.

The "sex rage" incident, as The Sun described it, began when they started drinking heavily on the ten-hour flight from Gatwick to Kingston, Jamaica on Monday.

They joined the "mile-high club" in one of the loos. But after their noisy passion was overheard by flight staff they were ordered out ? and went berserk.

A passenger said: "They were asked politely to return to their seats but went ballistic. They were shouting vile abuse and spitting at staff." Another said: "The captain tried to calm them down but they were just as abusive to him."

The couple, who were booked on a two-week holiday, were held by Police in Bermuda and on Wednesday put on a flight back to Gatwick ? where they were arrested. Now the pair from Luton, England face being charged with air rage ? and the ?34,000 cost of diverting the plane.

Bermuda Airport manager Jim Howes said: "It's always the joke among us pilots, and I am a pilot, about have you joined the mile high club?"

When asked if he had Mr. Howes said: "I can't comment ? and you can quote me on that." Although he did say that on that long haul flight the couple had probably joined the seven-mile high club.

Asked if he had ever come across the phrase "sex rage" Mr. Howe said: "I can't say I have but I guess if they were caught by flight attendants in the flagrante delecto they would be a little perturbed by that."

Asked about the $34,000 cost of the tryst Mr. Howes said: "I just hope it was worth it."