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Simmons gets post as aide to Premier

Former United Bermuda Party MP Jamahl Simmons has accepted a $102,000-a-year post as executive aide to Premier Ewart Brown.

Mr. Simmons will replace the Premier's Chief of Staff Wayne Caines, who is leaving at the end of the month to take up an undisclosed post in the private sector. The Chief of Staff post has been abolished.

Mr. Simmons began his political career with the Progressive Labour Party but then switched to the National Liberal Party before eventually joining the UBP. He comfortably held the Pembroke West seat for the Opposition in the General Election of 2003, with 65 per cent of the vote. But in January 2007 he became an Independent after he fell out with the UBP party hierarchy, claiming racists in his branch wanted to oust him.

He rejoined the PLP at a rally before crowds last summer.

Dr. Brown announced his appointment at a press conference yesterday. Mr. Simmons is to report directly to the Premier on Cabinet projects and will also liaise with Ministers.