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Southside homes draw big crowd

The open day for the housing development Harbourside Village was doing brisk business yesterday with 45 people now signed up to buy the market price units.

Cris Valdes-Dapena of the Property Group said there was a lot of enthusiasm over the St. David's development which comprises 98 cut-prices homes being sold for $200,000 and 98 market price homes going for $500,000 to $895,000.

She said eight units had been sold before the open day while the rest had pledged to buy them during the two open days on site at the weekend.

“That's 37 done in the last two days. We did one every 13 minutes - that's pretty good going. There's a lot of enthusiasm about the village, it's completely self-contained, it's walking distance from the bowling alley and White's.”

She said nobody was complaining about living amongst families in the low cost homes, nor was anyone trying to haggle.

However she said the development had attracted speculators who reasoned the homes would be worth more when they were ready in two years time. Works is set to start early next year.

Both the BHC table where people were signing up to enter the lottery for the $200,000 homes and the Property Group table were doing roaring business yesterday.

Carol Tucker, 42, from Bailey's Bay, said she had been looking for a home for two years and had been renting all her life. She hopes to buy a three-bed home and said she liked the gardens. “I have never had a garden,” she said.

Father of twins Danny Paynter, from St. David's, said he hoped to see more people from his neighbourhood looking at the homes.

“I think it's something great for Bermuda. They should have come up with this years ago.

“It's hard to find anything for less than $1 million or $1.5 million but I work for Government and can't afford anything like that.”

Mr. Paynter said he was after a four-bed for his family.

“I will try the lottery and if not I will try for one of the other ones,” he said.

Tamberle Bean said she had been looking for a house for two years like what she saw of the Harbourside plan but said there should be housing available for single people.

“It's a wonderful location, it's going to be fantastic.”

Local MP Renee Webb stopped by and gave the project her full backing.

She said: “It's a great concept. People can live in a village. It isn't crowded. It's great.”