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St. George?s also salutes the heroes

The Royal Artillery and Ex-Artillerymen's Association, Bermuda Island Pipe Band, The Bermuda Regiment Band & Corp of Drums, Bermuda Sea Cadets, St. George's Girl Guides, Bermuda Fire Service and Bermuda Regiment Wreath Bearers, Bermuda Regiment Gun Troop and the Boy Scouts all participated in a ceremony in St. George's to mark Remembrance Day.

The town of St. George's remembered the Island's war heroes at a Remembrance Day Parade in the Town Square on Sunday.

Phillip Lambe, who served during the Second World War said he was delighted that so many people had turned out to honour the island's veterans. "I was in a wheel chair and I had to be pushed while the other soldiers marched, but I was very excited to see the crowd. I was honoured to be a part of the ceremony and I hope Bermuda never forgets the contributions and sacrifices the veterans made to protect Bermuda."

The Royal Artillery and Ex-Artillerymen's Association, Bermuda Island Pipe Band, The Bermuda Regiment Band & Corp of Drums, Bermuda Sea Cadets, St. George's Girl Guides, Bermuda Fire Service and Bermuda Regiment Wreath Bearers. Bermuda Regiment Gun Troop, and the Boy Scouts all participated in the ceremony.