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St. George's MP is back on the job

After waging a battle with cancer for more than a year, the Rev. Wilbur Lowe is taking steps to let his parishioners and constituents know his is back in working shape.

The MP for St. George's South has written an open letter to all voters in his constituency to let them know he is available to hear their concerns.

In the letter, Rev. Lowe said he had finally been given the 'all clear' from his doctor.

"There have been times in the past I felt that my body was completely healed only to have problems surface," he wrote.

"I visited my doctor a week ago and he has given me permission to resume full activities in my church and my community.

Rev. Lowe, who is also the pastor for Richard Allen AME Church, was diagnosed with lymphoma in November 2000 and has been undergoing chemotherapy therapy since that time.

He continued: "I wish to thank all persons for their prayers and well wishers.

"I have already started knocking on doors and visiting the community. I thank God for my healing and I am thankful to the doctors and modern medicine."

"I do not know what the future holds, but I will always make myself available to be of service regardless of what hat I am wearing," he assured constituents.