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Students to compete for laptops in computer quiz

Senior School students will be competing for laptops at Pembroke Rotary Club?s first ?Senior School Computer & Technology Quiz? in the Ruth Seaton James Auditorium tonight.

The quiz is the brainchild of Pembroke Rotary?s Alan Pailing.

Professionally involved in the computer world he sees this event as ?a wonderful opportunity for Bermuda?s technical students to share their knowledge in a competitive environment and have fun doing so?. The event will highlight some of Bermuda?s future employees and their skills, particularly as most businesses expect computer skills, said Mr. Pailing. Each team will consist of three students from the senior schools and there will be a team of rotary exchange students visiting from overseas.

The jeopardy style quiz will ask questions on general computer knowledge, PC hardware, the Internet and the World Wide Web, computer acronyms and abbreviations and Microsoft products. The reward in store for the winning team is a Toshiba Tecra laptop for each student loaded with some of the latest software, from Microsoft.

Willing sponsors include Argus, Ernst & Young, Elan International Services, Computer City, A.F. Smith (The Office People), Bermuda Pest Control, CiC Software Technologies, Movies2Go, AAC Saatchi & Saatchi and, of course, Microsoft. Admission is free and the event starts at 6.30 p.m. Those attending should bring pen and paper to test their computer skills.