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Support war vets, residents urged

THE Bermuda branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL) is calling on locals to donate their time in support of the island's war veterans and ex-soldiers.

Next week marks the start of the international charity's annual Poppy Appeal in the run-up to Remembrance Day ¿ the perfect time for Bermudians to learn about the island's contributions during the two World Wars, according to the head of the local RBL branch.

"It's so important for young Bermudians to know that 18 to 20 year olds like them left Bermuda to serve in great battles and campaigns of two World Wars that have shaped our freedoms today," said Carol Everson, the Bermuda RBL's caseworker.

"There are some magnificent stories waiting to be told about these inspirational young men."

Ms Everson shared one such story with the Mid-Ocean News in hopes that young Bermudians may decide to volunteer their time during the Poppy Appeal, handing out poppy pins in return for donations.

The proceeds from the two-week poppy drive go to help support all the island's war veterans and ex-soldiers, to ensure they can live out the rest of their years in comfort. According to Ms Everson, the same cannot be said for one of Bermuda's most storied war veterans, Joseph William Levon.

Mr. Levon was born in Bermuda in 1896 to a mother with North American Indian roots and a father of European heritage, who traced his descendents to Armenia. He was best known as 'Drummer Joe Lemon' thanks to his light skin and skill on the drums in the Bermuda Militia Artillery Band. Drummer Joe served in both World Wars ¿ as a soldier overseas in World War One, and here, defending the island from attack in World War Two.

"He was an amazing drummer, and these were the days when the Regiment marched from St. David's all the way to Warwick Camp," said Ms Everson.

"He kept them going with his drumming. He was also a consummate joke teller ¿ he loved to make people laugh. He was just so cool ¿ he had a way about him."

Drummer Joe, while a veteran of both wars, fell into poverty in his later years. He died homeless, sleeping rough in St. Augustine church hall. The hall caught fire, and Drummer Joe was burnt alive, sick with pneumonia.

"He died destitute, living rough," said Ms Everson, explaining that Drummer Joe was unable to access the funds made available to veterans by an Act of Parliament.

"Shouldn't there have been something there for Joe? How sad that he died like that."

Ms Everson said that the Royal British Legion exists in Bermuda so that Drummer Joe's story does not have to be repeated.

"That's what the Legion can offer; that's why we're here," she said.

This year the local branch of the RBL has restored around $220,000 to veterans and ex-soldiers in Bermuda. This comes on the heels of the Government's decision to amend the Pensions Act in 2007, doubling the war pensions benefit from $400 per month to $800. These benefits extend to all local WWII veterans and their widows.

"The Royal British Legion is very grateful to Government for bringing these extra people on board," Ms Everson said.

"The Government has done a great thing doubling war pensions, and providing medical benefits and funeral expenses."

Ms Everson estimates that there are about 300 families on the island that have had at least one member fighting in a war. She hopes Bermudians will feel compassion for the island's ex-soldiers and their families by supporting the Poppy Appeal, which kicks off on October 29.

"Anyone who wants to help with the poppy appeal can," she said.

"Anyone can join the Royal British Legion ¿ membership is open to everyone. We'd be delighted for any kind of support for veterans and the ex-service community."

She added that students working towards Duke of Edinburgh awards of other community service programmes are also most welcome to volunteer during the Poppy Appeal.

To get involved in the Poppy Appeal, or for information on poppy pins, wreaths, silk sprays or poppies for the car call Carol Everson on 533-4567.

The Royal British Legion web site is www.britishlegion.org.uk. Every year the RBL provides about $150m in grants and loans to the service community and their families worldwide.