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Suspected gun wielded following car chase

Five men are on Police bail after a car chase which ended in a suspected gun being brandished.Police are unable to confirm whether it was real as nothing was recovered after the men were caught in Devonshire.Officers chased the black Peugeot after it was spotted committing numerous traffic offences in Hamilton on September 10, a Police statement said yesterday.

Five men are on Police bail after a car chase which ended in a suspected gun being brandished.

Police are unable to confirm whether it was real as nothing was recovered after the men were caught in Devonshire.

Officers chased the black Peugeot after it was spotted committing numerous traffic offences in Hamilton on September 10, a Police statement said yesterday.

The car stopped in Long Ridge Lane, Devonshire and the passengers jumped out, threatened Police and threw objects at them before escaping into bushes.

Moments later they emerged and one pointed what appeared to be a firearm at officers.

The Police statement said: "Five men have since been brought into custody and interviewed in connection with this incident.

"All five are now on Police bail."

People with information are asked to call Chief Insp. Stuart Crockwell or Sgt. Jerome Laws of the serious crime unit on 299-4315.

The incident sparked a plea from Family Learning Centre executive director Martha Dismont for Bermuda to take a no tolerance attitude to guns.

She said: "The recent incident of individuals waving a gun at Police in an almost cavalier attitude is very concerning and something not to be tolerated in our small community.

"For the safety and protection of our children, their families and our economy, we must take a position of no tolerance for the illegal importation, carrying or using such weapons."

She called on Police and judges to nip the problem in the bud before it escalated.