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Talbot misses deadline on controversial development

Architects for Henry Talbot have yet to turn in a completed retroactive Planning application for a controversial development on the PLP trustee?s Gilbert?s Bay property.

Neighbours and environmentalists called foul on Mr. Talbot earlier this year after bulldozing on the beach at Gilbert?s Bay destroyed natural rock formations and longtail nests.

Neighbours also accused Mr. Talbot of using rubble from the bulldozing to elevate the level of the beach, thereby increasing the amount of land he owned above the high water mark.

Some of the land is zoned as woodland reserve and green space. The Department of Planning considered the violations so serious that the usual enforcement process was circumvented, bringing the matter to the Attorney General?s office far earlier than would usually happen.

But when Mr. Talbot applied for retroactive permission for the development citing necessary repairs stemming from Hurricane Fabian, the enforcement process was temporarily halted.

Neighbours have vehemently objected to the retroactive application. One letter said Mr. Talbot was using Hurricane Fabian as ?an excuse to shave off the cliff face?, accused him of pulling the wool over the Planning Department?s eyes, and claimed work was continuing in the area, despite Planning orders to halt all development.

A letter from Planning to Entasis Architecture dated August 20 allowed the firm 21 days to supply more information in the retroactive application, noting there was insufficient detail on which to assess the application.

The letter added: ?Once a complete application has been submitted, necessary consultations will be undertaken with the Department of Conservation Services and the Marine Resources Board to assist the Development Applications Board in assessing the application.

?I must advise, however, that the retroactive development is considered contrary to the provisions of the Development and Planning Act 1974 and therefore cannot be supported by the Department.?

The 21 days were up on Friday. It was unclear at Press time whether or not Mr. Talbot was able to make the deadline.