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Tattoo DVD just in time for Christmas

For those who saw the real thing, they can now relive the memories, while those who missed this year?s Bermuda Tattoo will have an opportunity to catch up ? thanks to Panatel VDS Ltd., whose DVD of the spectacular event has just been released in perfect time for Christmas giving.

In making the announcement, Bermuda Regiment special projects officer Major Stephen Caton paid tribute to Panatel?s ?excellent? work in producing the commemorative DVD.

Copies are available at the Bermuda Book Store for $50 each, while those who pre-ordered and pre-paid $40 for a copy can also collect it from the same outlet beginning on Monday.

In order to do so, however, these purchasers must provide proof of purchase in the form of the original receipt, together with the e-mail sent to them by the Regiment, and some personal identification.

Anyone preferring to receive their pre-ordered DVD by post should advise the Major Caton accordingly by returning his e-mail to srocatongov.bm as soon as possible. Otherwise a package addressed to the purchaser will be left for collection at the Bermuda Book Store.

?Please note that we cannot ensure that mailed orders will be received in time for Christmas,? the Major warns.

The Special Projects Officer also reminds Christmas shoppers that it still has a supply of Tattoo motif golf shirts, caps, banners and souvenir programmes available at Warwick Camp. Please contact CSgt James Van Lowe at jjvanlowegov.bm for further information. See also webside www.bermudatattoo.bm

Other contact numbers are as follows: ( 535-2515, fax 238-8421. Tattoo office: 238-3881.