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Taxi driver was not to blame - Brown

Transport Minister Dr. Ewart Brown came to the defence of taxi driver Kenneth Bourne who escaped disciplinary action after he threw a woman out of his cab last year for eating food.

The woman, who was forced to walk home, was then sexually assaulted by a passing motorist.

Dr. Brown issued a statement on Monday saying that after he and the Public Service Vehicles Licensing Board reviewed the case, they felt that Mr. Bourne did not violate any laws based on the board's taxi regulations.

"In this case, I think that the Board did due diligence," Dr. Brown said. "They checked everything out thoroughly, that's why it took so long and we are aware of what the realities of a taxi operations are. And the board is convinced that this driver did everything in his power to deal with a passenger who was admittedly intoxicated.

"I suppose intoxication plus having food in the cab led to that unfortunate event. What happened afterwards, though it was very unfortunate cannot really be blamed on the driver.'' And Dr. Brown said there was nothing in the works to amend the taxi laws and regulations to prevent future incidents.

"We have to be careful not to have individual incidents stimulate legislation,'' he said.

Dr. Brown said that what has come out of the incident was the revision of courtesy standards. And he noted that standards will be strongly enforced on taxi operators, once Central Dispatch is up and running, by the end of the year.

"On the positive side we are bringing into the industry, the new courtesy standards for attire, for conduct, for general ambassadorship for the drivers," Dr. Brown said. "This was always into place long before this incident occurred and I am in favour of it being revamped.''

Mr. Bourne, a former Police officer, told the 29-year-old victim to get out of his cab at 3 a.m. on October 14, last year. They subsequently argued over the fare, he left, and the woman faced a three mile walk home. Scott Martin, 35, from Warwick was convicted of the serious sexual assault earlier this year and was sentenced to 11 years in prison.