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Taxi drivers calling for help at Airport

Taxi drivers who pick up passengers at the airport are lobbying Government to introduce multiple fares and fuel rebates to help them transport visitors quickly and cheaply.

Lee Tucker, spokesman for the Bermuda Taxi Operators Association, said

reductions in costs would encourage more drivers to go to the Airport, which could be inundated with passengers due to a spike in flights.

Airport general manager James Howes yesterday said he was concerned that with the increase in flights arriving to the island passengers may find it difficult to get a taxi.

Although the flights are timed to arrive outside the airport?s peak hours of 11.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m., Mr. Howes said taxi drivers must do their part to help shuttle passengers back and forth efficiently.

?It?s a chronic problem, there?s nothing worse than visitors arriving to the island and not being able to get a taxi, it really dampens their initial impression of the Island,? he said.

Mr. Tucker admitted there have been problems with getting enough taxis to the Airport, but he attributed this to current travel trends with more people travelling alone and individual travellers taking one taxi each at the airport.

?There will be about 50 or 60 taxis waiting for passengers and about 70 people who will use them up so quickly such as business people who are travelling individually.

?In the past there were families of four or five who were all going to the same place and would use up a taxi.?

Mr. Tucker said multiple fares would work by a passenger paying per head, so if the fare comes to $20 passengers would each pay $10.

?If a driver has to make a run along the South Shore to several different places then the passengers would pay per head,? he said.

There are 600 registered taxis on the island, and Mr. Tucker said up to 250 go to the airport during peak hours. He added that an increase in fares will help to get the taxis moving since drivers can offset gas expenses.

He added that taxi drivers are being pro-active about rounding up more than one passenger to take their cab, and more taxi officers should be appointed at the airport to help passengers who are going to the same destination liaise about transportation costs.

He said drivers will be at the airport to pick up passengers from the nine new flights this summer, alhtough some passengers might have to wait.