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TCD takes aim at illegal cars

Transport officials have made a New Year?s resolution ? to drive more illegal motorists off the road. Randy Brangman, director of the Transport Control Department, said 2006 would see a renewed crackdown on car owners who break the law by having too many vehicles.

Misuse of company vehicles will also be thrust back under the spotlight, Mr. Brangman confirmed, as the department outlined a series of new initiatives.

At the moment, private car owners applying for a licence only have to verbally confirm where they live.

But checks have highlighted inaccuracies in TCD records, amid complaints from residents about multiple cars parked outside homes and rising concerns people are flouting the one car per assessment number rule.

From January 1 all drivers will have to fill in the vehicle assessment form, which has to be be signed jointly by both the tenant and the landlord.

This policy used to be enforced, but in recent years this form has only been used when a driver has moved home.

In a separate development, TCD has also compiled an approved list of more than 400 of the Island?s registered mechanics, spray painters and bodyworkers. Drawn up with the help of the Department of Consumer Affairs, it aims to help motorists find garages and mechanics who meet Government standards. The new list can be viewed at www.tcd.gov.bm.

Meanwhile, the department has also confirmed that its cycle testing bay ? normally closed in mornings between January and March ? will now be open all year. And misuse of company vans will also be targeted when truck permits are issued in a bid to cut congestion. Mr. Brangman said if someone was using a van for a purpose not covered by the permit, TCD officials would investigate and decide if the permit should be revoked.