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Teen pleads guilty to theft

A 17-year-old construction worker appeared in Magistrates? Court yesterday charged with two counts of theft and the possession of an illegal weapon.

Ajuan Lamb, of Westdale Lane, Sandys, pleaded guilty to stealing $140 from the home of Nolan Charles Walker some time between January 26 and 31, and an additional $200 from the home of Elizabeth Burch in February.

In both instances, Lamb was part of a construction team carrying out work at the homes of the complainants.

Lamb also admitted to being in possession of a lock knife when stopped and searched by Police on February 20.

Addressing Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner, Lamb?s mother said she was having increasing trouble controlling her ill-disciplined son and had arranged, through the Department of Family Services, for him to spend two weeks at the Co-Ed Facility in St. George?s to reflect on his bad behaviour.

This claim clearly took Mr. Warner by surprise, who admitted he was not aware such action was permissible.

?I haven?t read the Children?s Act for a while,? he said. ?But it would seem to me to be a rather powerful and arbitrary sanction.?

Mr. Warner ordered a social inquiry report and remanded Lamb into custody until May 19.