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Teens have chance to shine

Nine of Bermuda's brightest and most outspoken youth will compete later this month for the honour of being crowned Bermuda's first Youth Tourism Minister.

Spokesman for the Bermuda Department of Tourism, Nea Talbot said 18 students between the ages of 13 and 17 participated in "casting calls" last weekend and nine were selected to advance to the final competition.

Ms Talbot said: "The students had to speak on two tourism-related topics. Those who responded with the most depth and conviction advanced to the finals."

She added: "In the upcoming weeks the nine finalists will undergo special training from local educators and tourism industry professionals to ensure they are equipped and ready for the final competition on September 30."

The winner of the competition will become the official "youth voice" of the Tourism Department and will represent Bermuda at the Sixth Annual Tourism Youth Congress, which will be held in the Bahamas next month.

Ms Talbot said: "The mission of the Youth Congress is to introduce Caribbean students to the fundamental role of tourism in the economic development of their countries, to spark dreams and ambitions and create strong leaders."