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The Centre on Philanthropy will push innovative ways to volunteer

The Centre on Philanthropy is planning a flurry of activity between now and the new year designed to encourage people to give more of their time to non-profit groups in 2007.

The Centre?s Executive Officer Pamela Barit Nolan laid out the framework yesterday before a Rotary Club audience of about two dozen at the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club.

Mrs. Barit Nolan told the group 44 percent of Bermudians regularly volunteer, but that number could be raised to 50 percent.

?People do give a lot, but they are anxious to do more,? she said.

To capitalise on that apparent willingness of the public, the Centre will re-launch its website (www.centreonphilanthropy.org) with a donor directory informing people how and where donors are already giving.

The improved website will also power a second site called ?Volunteer Squared? which will match ready-to-serve volunteers with non-profit groups that need their help.

The online platform promises to be more innovative in the way it utilises people?s time with options like company-wide volunteering, volunteering during lunch breaks, and even volunteering as a family ? suggesting parents bring their kids along.

Some of the most dedicated volunteers told the Centre of Philanthropy they could give more time if they didn?t have to be apart from their children.

So now the drive is on to pinpoint opportunities where the entire family can be charitable as a unit, instead of individually.

Mrs. Barit Nolan?s research reveals these new strategies could ?almost double the number of hours people are currently giving?.