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The future Baron Hindlip fined for cannabis

The man destined one day to become the seventh Baron Hindlip was fined $3,000 in Magistrates? Court on Thursday for smuggling 16.39 grams of cannabis resin inside a condom tied to his penis.

Self-employed art dealer Henry William Allsopp, 31, of London, appeared visibly shaken after pleading guilty before Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner at Magistrates? Court. ?We take the importation of drugs very very seriously here in Bermuda. You had one foot in the prison door,? Mr. Warner told him.

Allsopp arrived in Bermuda on a flight from London August 19. A narcotics officer pulled Allsopp out of the Customs line. Crown counsel Wayne Caines told the court Allsopp ?appeared very nervous?.

?During the search the defendant was asked to remove his underpants. The officers noticed that the defendant had a condom tied to his penis.,? Mr. Caines said, adding it contained a ?solid dark-coloured substance.?

One of the officers pointed to the substance and asked him, ?What is that??

?Hashish,? he replied. Allsopp was asked to remove the condom which was secured in a zip-lock bag. It was found to be cannabis resin by the Government Analyst.

Allsopp said he ?deeply regretted it? and he was ?coming here for a holiday?, adding he ?intended to smoke it?.

?Do you know what the penalty is for the importation of this amount of a controlled drug?? Mr. Warner asked him.

Duty counsel Llewellyn Peniston stepped in to suggest the court take as much money as possible from Allsopp now, since he probably would never be allowed back into the Island. ?They need to set a limit in Bermuda that can be classified as a traffickable amount,? Mr. Warner said.

Henry Allsopp is the only son of Charles Henry Allsopp, sixth Baron Hindlip, a title that was created in 1886.