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These are the the United Bermuda Party's platform promises:"An aggressive Save Open Spaces programme to preserve our precious environment". The fund will be seeded with $10 million from Government and contributions from "developers, companies and individuals who benefit from carrying out large-scale developments". The SOS trust will aim to buy "key open spaces".A Toxic Waste Superfund will eliminate the legacy of toxic waste from US Baselands (with environmental remediation costs estimated in the millions) through "annual budget contributions". Potential developers will also be responsible for clean-up costs.

These are the the United Bermuda Party's platform promises:

"An aggressive Save Open Spaces programme to preserve our precious environment". The fund will be seeded with $10 million from Government and contributions from "developers, companies and individuals who benefit from carrying out large-scale developments". The SOS trust will aim to buy "key open spaces".

A Toxic Waste Superfund will eliminate the legacy of toxic waste from US Baselands (with environmental remediation costs estimated in the millions) through "annual budget contributions". Potential developers will also be responsible for clean-up costs.

Update the 10-year Bermuda Development Plan. The UBP says Government is several years late on delivering this blueprint for tourism, residential and commercial development on the Island.

SDOs – the UBP says Government is "allowing hotel and housing developments to proceed through Special Development Orders without following normal planning procedures and without adequate consultation".

The Party says it will "ensure that Special Development Orders are issued only in cases of true 'national interest', a position that must be clearly articulated and discussed by the community". It will also require Environmental Impact Assessments for all major developments.

The development of Marsh Folly Park – part of the North Hamilton redevelopment plan.

Enforcing the 'Polluter Pays Principle' – tougher penalties for littering and illegal dumping/environmental hazards.

Residents and businesses adopting green renewable energy will receive duty and tax cuts. There will be no licensing fees for electric and hybrid vehicles, while properties with solar or photovoltaic energy-generating systems will receive a reduced land tax.

The UBP will forge a long-term strategy with Belco to develop micro-technologies and alternate energy sources.