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Three charged with possessing stun gun

Tensions ran high in Magistrates Court yesterday between three people who were charged with being in possession of a stun gun.

And Police Officers were forced to separate two of the defendants from the third accused who were all arrested at a Devonshire home on Thursday night.

Lynn Michael White, 40, Dale Winfield, 40 and 43-year old Beverly Burgess all pleaded not guilty to possessing the prohibited weapon.

White was also charged separately with several drug related offences. He denied all charges.

All three defendants live at #3 Boundary Terrace in Devonshire parish.

Throughout the court hearing the three accused exchanged several heated exchanges and had to be quieted by police officers.

Burgess furiously told White: ?I looked out for you and you don?t even care. Nobody wanted to take you in and I took you in and look what you have done to me.?

At one stage Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner warned the defendants that ?everybody is going to get locked up?.

White, who had also failed to appear for a trial in October of this year when he was to face charges of possessing cocaine, cannabis and cannabis resin, was remanded in custody.

Winfield and Burgess were released on $5,000 bail each with sureties. All three will appear in Magistrates Court on April 7 next year when the matter will go to trial.

Lawyer Elizabeth Christopher represents Winfield and Burgess. Charles Richardson represents White.