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Time to end the negativity and rhetoric says Swan

Charlie Swan has spoken out on the eve of next Thursday's by-election, calling for an end to "negativity and rhetoric" in local politics.

The United Bermuda Party candidate for the Southampton West Central seat responded to claims in the news and on local blogs that his Opposition colleague Wayne Furbert would be supporting Independent candidate Raymond Davis.

Mr. Swan, a former senator, said he would prefer not to dwell on such reports, and instead revealed his plans for his home constituency.

"I haven't heard anything negative on the doorsteps," he said.

"I've made hundreds of telephone calls and met hundreds of people, and have heard nothing negative.

"If Bermuda is ever to move forward, if Bermudians are ever to feel confident, we need to get past the negativity and rhetoric, which serves no purpose except to those who spout it.

"I'm addressing the needs and concerns of this constituency ¿ the constituency in which I live. My focus is entirely on the residents and constituents."

Mr. Swan (pictured) told the Mid-Ocean News that his immediate priorities for the area include repairing and widening the estate road into Granaway Heights, as well as adding lights and a crosswalk. He also intends to ensure a section of road by Franks Bay is redone for the benefit of the West End community.

"It's in a state of disrepair," he said.

"The Department of Works & Engineering has already showed up and commenced repairs, and for that I will take partial credit."

Mr. Swan also revealed plans to improve the Evans Bay and Whale Bay areas with a new sidewalk, plus life buoys, railings and garbage disposal on Evans Bay public dock.

The by-election was called after UBP incumbent Jon Brunson resigned recently. Mr. Brunson beat the Progressive Labour Party's Marc Bean, who is running again, by 142 votes in last December's General Election.