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Tourism in bid to lure affluent African-Americans to Island

Photo by David Skinner. Found your niche: Tourism Minister Renee Webb stands with IMAGES USA founder and president Bob McNeil as she announces the hiring of IMAGES USA to target African-American travellers coming to Bermuda.

The Department of Tourism is targeting wealthy African-Americans as it moves to capture another niche market for the Island.

Tourism Minister Renee Webb announced yesterday the Department has chosen IMAGES USA as the African-American marketing communications agency of record for Bermuda Tourism.

?As you may be aware, Government was looking to partner with a marketing firm to provide a dedicated marketing plan targeting affluent African-American visitors,? she said at a Press conference yesterday.

?Increasing awareness of Bermuda among African-Americans is a vital part of our Tourism strategy.

?Bermuda is indeed a beautiful Island with a wealth of activities and so much to offer our diverse visitors.?

When asked if the homosexual market was another niche Bermuda would be interested in attracting, Ms Webb said Bermuda is currently targeting many niche markets, such as golfers, art and music lovers and African-Americans, but homosexuals are not a specific target for Bermuda.

Admitting it ?could be attractive?, she added: ?That is not one we are going after at this time.?

She also said the Ministry is looking at improving Bermuda?s nightly entertainment, but the focus will not be on spring break-like activities.

?We don?t make promises we can?t meet,? she said. ?There will be no false advertising indicating Bermuda is a wonderful Mecca of nightlife.?

In January the Ministry distributed a request for proposals for companies to market to African-Americans, she said. Ten written proposals were received. ?Four were invited to give full presentations to the review committee, which consisted of representatives from the Tourism Ministry, the private sector and myself. IMAGES USA ... demonstrated to the committee that they truly understood the Bermuda brand, our unique offerings as a tourism destination and our vibrant culture. Their strategic recommendations coupled with their understanding of the African-American market and that culture was impressive.

?Ranked among the top multicultural marketing agencies in the US with over 15 years of experience in African-American tourism market development, IMAGES USA was the agency selected.

?IMAGES USA will work closely with our integrated agency partners in developing a targeted campaign that will attract affluent African-Americans to Bermuda.?

Bermuda has signed a one-year contract with the company, Ms Webb said, at a price tag of a half million dollars.

At the end of the year the company?s performance will be reviewed to determine if the contract will be extended ? a process Ms Webb said is usual in the Ministry.

IMAGES USA founder and president Bob McNeil said the company would be using every medium ?both online and off? to market Bermuda to wealthy African-Americans.

However travellers themselves will be the biggest advertisers, he said, by spreading the word about Bermuda after visiting the Island.

He emphasised the importance of direct, affordable flights to the east coast, noting that the addition of flights from Baltimore and Newark on USA3000 was ?brilliant?.

More information on IMAGES USA can be found on the company?s website at www.imagesusa.net.