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Truant teen told to get his act together

A 15-year-old boy who attended school only three times in three months has been told that he must be able to read and write if he is to succeed in life.

The teenager's mother was told by Juvenile Court Magistrate Tyrone Chin that she must take responsibility for her son if his behaviour is to improve.

Mr. Chin told the mother: "I am looking at you hard... because you're letting him down."

The youth appeared in court this week after pleading guilty to using a bottle to smash a bus window earlier this year, causing $400 damage. The teen - who cannot be named for legal reasons - had also been suspended from school several times.

Mr. Chin reprimanded him for his dismal school record. Reports revealed he was performing significantly below his age level academically and that he was in desperate need assistance.

Mr. Chin appeared disturbed with these findings, drilling the youth on his whereabouts when he should have been in school. However, the young man was adamant that he was attending classes regularly.

His mother spoke on his behalf, saying that she did believe that he attended school and that she always sent a letter explaining his absence, citing that he had chronic asthma. According to the mother - who claimed she holds down two jobs - she does her best to monitor his attendance.

Before sentencing the teen, Magistrate Chin asked: "How can we help you? We want you to get an education, help you to read, to write and to get on with your life."

The Pembroke youth was ordered to pay for the damage to the bus window and he was referred for assessment to Child and Family Services.