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Trust concerned over Coco Reef?s ?river? plan

A watchdog has raised concerns about plans to build an infinity pool at Coco Reefs Resort.The resort owners want to build 66 new units on the eastern end of the Paget property. They would vary in size and have a full butler service and access to a beach and spa.

A watchdog has raised concerns about plans to build an infinity pool at Coco Reefs Resort.

The resort owners want to build 66 new units on the eastern end of the Paget property. They would vary in size and have a full butler service and access to a beach and spa.

The company has also asked the Department of Planning for permission to build an infinity pool.

The resort's architect, David O'Beirne, said the pool would cascade into a river, which would flow through the woodland area on the property and into another pool which would be built by the ocean.

Mr. O'Beirne said the river would be beneficial for the area, bringing moisture to the woodlands.

However, the Bermuda National Trust (BNT) has objected to the plans, in particular the proposed pools and river.

Dorcus Roberts, the Trust's Environmental Conservation Officer, said building on the woodlands would be detrimental to the environment and reduce the amount of plants which could grow there.

In her objection she also said the BNT could not understand what benefit a man-made river would have on the area and questioned what plants would be added to the woodland.

In a letter to the Department of Planning Mr. O'Beirne said the development would have little impact on the environment and the company would actually be taking steps to improve the site.

He said: "Although some encroachment will take place, this is off set by the reinstatement of a woodland area within the tourism zone."

He said the woodlands would be properly maintained and invasive plants such as Mexican Peppers would be removed and replaced with native plant like the Bay Grape and Bermuda Palmetto.

No other objections were made about the building proposal. The Department of Planning has not yet ruled on the application.