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UBP aims to address human cost from recession

The United Bermuda Party (UBP) yesterday unveiled its revamped Shadow Cabinet, including some newly-created positions, which it says will address the human fall-out from the slump in the economy after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

UBP leader Dr. Grant Gibbons denied he was rewarding those who voted for him in the leadership contest, but The Royal Gazette understands some who backed rival John Barritt feel they have been demoted.

Kim Young moves from the influential Shadow Health and Family Services post to Environment, with new responsibilities for Women's Affairs. In a surprise move, Shadow Sports Minister Patricia Gordon-Pamplin is moved to the key Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety post, while the previous incumbent, Michael Dunkley, goes to Health.

The party's most experienced parliamentarian, Maxwell Burgess, had been tipped for a heavyweight Shadow Cabinet post, but instead becomes House Leader and Whip, with a brief to coordinate policy and be a spokesman for the UBP caucus in the House of Assembly. The UBP named AME minister Dr. Leonard Santucci as its new senator to replace Maxwell Burgess. Sen. Kim Swan becomes the UBP's leader in the upper house.

Dr. Gibbons stressed his revamped team would look at the human consequences of the downturn in the economy and the terrorist attacks in the United States.

And he said the new positions do not mirror exactly the Cabinet positions announced on Tuesday by Premier Jennifer Smith, because the UBP feels there are gaps there.

He said: "One of the key areas of importance for the UBP in the last session was human services. Clearly there are the events of September 11, but this year has been difficult from an economic perspective."

"But there is the human fall-out, and most would expect we haven't seen the worst from that.

"There have been a number of layoffs in the hospitality sector and I suspect we will see more. There may be other areas such as retail that will be affected."

Mr. Burgess denied yesterday that he was disappointed not to get a Shadow Cabinet position, and insisted he will play a valuable role coordinating policy as Dr. Gibbons' right hand man.

Dr. Gibbons rejected suggestions yesterday that he was rewarding those who backed him in the leadership contest.

"People may have different perceptions, but there is no one portfolio that's necessarily more important than another," he said.

Mr. Burgess said he was happy to play a role coordinating the UBP's message and offering advice to Dr. Gibbons rather than holding a shadow cabinet post.

"I will be available to the leader to make sure we continue to put the needs of the people first," he said.

"It's about ways of finding homes for Bermudians. It's about ways of providing and preserving employment for Bermudians.

"It's about ways of ensuring the ailing tourist industry and retail sector's (needs are met) in what's clearly going to be the most challenging times in my lifetime. Whatever we do, it is the human touch that must be considered in that process.

"I believe we have to get the message across, not just our individual experiences, but to convey the message fully from the caucus room, from every speech we make.

"I want to be on the ground, available to the leader at all times, to give him my counsel and political views on the way forward."