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Victory for Kerry predicted on the streets of Hamilton

took to the streets of Hamilton on the eve of the US election to see who people thought was going to win the US Presidency.

Eleven people were asked the same question ? who do you think is going to win the US election today?

Over 60 percent, or seven out of eleven people, said John Kerry would win.

Less than 40 percent thought President George W. Bush would win.

A visiting American teacher of Government and Law said he wanted John Kerry to win.

Prof. Joseph Board was in Bermuda on holiday with his wife Mary Squire yesterday.

Prof. Board said they had already voted by absentee ballot and wore a hat with the initials GGFP: ?Give George a Farewell Party?.

?The most interesting factor in this election will be the voting of minorities,? Prof. Board said. ?So many black people are hopping mad about being excluded from everything.?

He said that he did not think that the Presidential race would be decided by election day.

John Milligan-Whyte thought President Bush would be re-elected ?because people go for a decisive, aggressive leader when attacked or scared?.

Anthony Alves said he thought Bush would win.

?I hope (Bush) doesn?t win. Kerry doesn?t know his a** from his elbow. But neither does Bush,? Mr. Alves said.

Tracey Johnson said she thought John Kerry would win: ?I hope it?s not Bush,? she said.

Dennis Maynard said he thought ?Kerry would win?.

?I?m tired of Bush. He?s a warmonger,? he said. ?He takes after his father.?

Marc Daoust said he thought Kerry would win.

?He is a very strong candidate. People are voting for change and their hopes,? he said.

But Stephane Lachance said he thought Bush would win: ?People are frightened of a terrorist attack. Things are worse since (terrorist) Osama Bin Laden appeared again last week.?

Thomas Frederick Young said he thought Bush would win because he was ?a very strong man?.

But Pamela E. Simons said she wanted Kerry to be victorious. ?Kerry does not like Bush,? she said.

Sylvie Repose agreed with her. ?Kerry is better, he has to win,? she said.

CedarBridge Academy student Rajae Woods, said he wanted Kerry to win because ?Bush has made a lot of bad choices?.