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Warning over funny money

Police have issued a warning to businesses, banks and all people dealing with cash that an increased number of forged Bermuda $100 bills are in circulation on the Island.

The serial numbers to look out for are: C/I 417086 and D/I 038471.

The public are being urged to be vigilant and examine their cash for the distinguishing features of genuine notes ? such as the tuna fish watermark, the silver strip and the silver ship ? especially since there is no reimbursement for fake money that has been received.

Police have also cautioned the public about a fax machine scam which has been aimed at several locals. Reports have been made to the Fraud Unit of a fax, purportedly from ?Euro millions?, that tells recipients they have won money in a European Lottery. It then requests personal information, including bank name, account number and names of relatives, in order that the money can be received.

Police advise that the scheme is a fake and should not be responded to in any way.

Pair arrested following brawl

Two men seen fighting on Front Street in the early hours of yesterday morning were arrested by Police who had been called to a report of a disturbance outside the Docksiders pub and restaurant.

Officers who responded to the initial call could find no sign of trouble outside Docksiders but observed a 21-year-old man and a 23-year-old man, both from Pembroke, fighting at the corner of Court Street and Front Street.

The two men were arrested, as was a 28-year-old Pembroke man who was in the area and was identified as one of the individuals involved in the earlier disturbance outside the pub. Police inquiries are underway.

Tourist has an expensive trip

A visitor got more than he bargained for when his guest house was targeted by an unknown thief who stole $90 in cash and an array of valuable electronic devices.

The tourist, who was staying in Smith?s, told Police that his Motorola cell phone, HP mini-computer/ cell phone, camcorder and digital camera were all stolen from his room sometime late on Wednesday night or early Thursday morning.

Another break-in occurred around the same time at a Euclid Avenue, Pembroke residence where a thief made away with about $200 worth of coins and some costume jewellery.

Police inquiries into both incidents are underway.

Dangerous weapon charge

A homeless man was charged with possession of an offensive weapon after he allegedly went to the Masters store in Hamilton with a screwdriver.

Norman O?Donald Raynor, 31, of no fixed abode, pleaded not guilty to the charge. The incident allegedly happened on August 17. He also pleaded not guilty to stealing two toolboxes from the store on August 16.

Raynor?s trial has been set for November 21.