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WAYNE Furbert has ended months of speculation by resigning as leader of the Opposition United Bermuda Party.But it will be at least another seven days —

WAYNE Furbert has ended months of speculation by resigning as leader of the Opposition United Bermuda Party.But it will be at least another seven days — and up to two weeks — before his successor is selected.

At a press conference yesterday afternoon, an emotional Mr. Furbert, who held the post for just 15 months, said it was time to step down for the sake of the party and the country.

He issued a call for unity, saying the party would emerge stronger once uncertainty about the leadership ended.

And he promised he will continue to represent the people of Hamilton West and will fight to keep his seat at the next General Election.

Admitting that the last few months had been “challenging”, Mr. Furbert, 51 today, said: “I want the best for the people of Bermuda, and with all this uncertainty it cannot happen.

“After a great deal of consideration and reflection with my friends and family, I have decided that the best way forward for the United Bermuda Party is for me to step aside.

“Therefore, I am tendering my resignation as leader of the United Bermuda Party, effective March 31, 2007.

“I want to emphasise that I take this step for one reason only — the United Bermuda Party is not perfect, but for all its faults, I believe in my heart that it offers this island the best hope for a unified and positive future.

“Although I am disappointed by this turn of events, I am comforted by the fact that I have always put Bermuda first, that I have the support of my family and that I am guided by a higher wisdom.

“You see, we have this treasure called Bermuda, and the reason I fight on is because of it and not because of my own self-gratification.

“Although I have been troubled on every side, I am not distressed. Although I am perplexed, I am not in despair. I have been persecuted, but I know that I have not been forsaken. I have been cast down but I have not been destroyed.

“I know that many of my family, friends and supporters are hurting. Many of them have called me and said that they are angry, and that they want to get even by not supporting the United Bermuda Party. I ask you not to let your anger cause you to seek revenge.

“If you wish to get even, then get even by showing those individuals that you are bigger than they are, and that you do not play by their rules. If you wish to get even, then help me heal this country.

“If you wish to get even, then help me tear down the remaining walls of racial discrimination, bigotry and intolerance. If you wish to get even, then help me build a healthier country for all our people, so that our children can live free and in equality.

“If you want to get even, then live out the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King by standing with me and saying hate only begets hate. The cause to fight on is greater than Wayne Furbert.

“Keep my dream alive by helping me to fight for homes for those who are homeless. Keep my dream alive by helping me fight for lower health care costs for our seniors. Keep my dream alive by helping me turn around the education system for our children. Keep my dream alive by helping me improve our democratic process, and making parliamentarians more accountable to the people.”

Party chairman Stuart Crockwell confirmed that it could be another two weeks before a new leader is elected.

“Once a vacancy arises, we have to wait seven days to allow individuals to present their positions,” he said, adding that, if necessary, a leadership election would be held within seven days of any nominations being received.

Furbert calls it a day as leader