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'We will not back down'

Police Commissioner Jonathan Smith

A security guard at a St. George's pub was attacked by three young men after one of them was refused entry to the establishment.

He sustained swelling and abrasions to his left eye and abrasions to his forehead and right shoulder, according to the Police report.

The man attacked the security guard after he was refused entry to the White Horse Tavern because of his attire. Two other men joined in the assault before two other security guards and members of the public came to his assistance.

But the men fled the scene before Police arrived.

“The association between the abuse of alcohol and or drugs and recent outbreaks of public disorder is extremely strong,” Police Commissioner Jonathan Smith said.

“The Bermuda Police Service stands firmly with the licensed premises that are employing security personnel to enhance the safety and security at their business premises.

“It is unacceptable that security personnel are being assaulted by unruly and disruptive patrons or would-be patrons. We will investigate these incidents thoroughly with a view to having offenders placed before the Courts where appropriate.”

The Police Commissioner added that he was also concerned about recent assaults of his officers.

“Recently even off duty officers were assaulted in the line of duty as they intervened to restore order. Our officers continue to display courage and I commend their efforts at confronting violent offenders and making arrests in circumstances where order has broken down,” he said.

“We will not back down; we will investigate offences involving violence and where we have evidence we will present case files to the Director of Public Prosecutions. I am asking the public to continue to support the Service by providing evidence and information in connection with violent offences. The support from the public is absolutely vital in tackling violence in our community.”