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Webb's 'abrasive' manner rankles staff

Tourism Minister Renee Webb

Director of Tourism Judith Hall Bean has asked to be removed from her post to another civil service position, The Royal Gazette can reveal.

And Bermuda Public Services Union (BPSU) has confirmed it has been asked by concerned members of staff at Tourism to investigating Mrs. Hall Bean's impending move and other concerns.

BPSU general secretary Edward Ball, Jr. would not confirm the nature of the concerns from members of the department, but they are understood to centre on claims that Tourism and Telecommunications Minister Renee Webb runs the department in an “abrasive” manner.

Mrs. Hall Bean sent a memo to Tourism staff last week stating she is likely to move and thanking them for their support. She said she had not - as The Royal Gazette reported yesterday - resigned, but she had told staff she may be moving in the near future.

But the newspaper understands Mrs. Hall Bean, a career civil servant who took over the Tourism post in January last year, asked to be moved and that it is expected to be confirmed shortly.

Mr. Ball said yesterday: “The union has been approached by concerned members working within the Tourism Department about the alleged resignation of Mrs. Hall Bean.

“We certainly will investigate this matter to see if there is any truth to their concerns surrounding the alleged resignation, and we will see if it goes further.”

He refused to elaborate on the nature of the concerns, but The Royal Gazette has spoken to civil servants working with Ms Webb who complain that she is abrasive, often changes her mind on initiatives, and is difficult to work with.

One civil servant said yesterday: “The Minister is a challenge. (That's just) her, and we're not going to change her. She has ideas and she wants them carried out and she might change them. So you can be running in too many directions and once you drop the ball she can get very annoyed.”

Mrs. Hall Bean said yesterday: “The memo I sent said there is a chance I will be moved around to another senior position, and when that happens I would let them know.

“In the meantime, I said thanks for all your support and I will keep you posted.

“Someone has put their own spin on it, but it is a positive thing.

“I haven't resigned. Senior civil servants are moved around and I could be moved around and I informed them there is a chance I will be moved around in the future.”

Ms Webb did not return calls seeking comment yesterday.