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Woman fined after flipping car over

A young drink driver whose car overturned in a crash has been told she was lucky to survive.Ashley Outerbridge's vehicle ended up on its roof after an early hours accident at the junction of St John's and North Shore Road.Senior Crown counsel Paula Tyndale said Police arrived at the scene just before 6 a.m. and saw the defendant's vehicle upside down on the west-bound lane.

A young drink driver whose car overturned in a crash has been told she was lucky to survive.

Ashley Outerbridge's vehicle ended up on its roof after an early hours accident at the junction of St John's and North Shore Road.

Senior Crown counsel Paula Tyndale said Police arrived at the scene just before 6 a.m. and saw the defendant's vehicle upside down on the west-bound lane.

Outerbridge, of Fairylands Road, Pembroke, had climbed out of the car and was on the sidewalk. She told officers she had been driving the vehicle, which the court heard suffered extensive damage when it flipped over.

Asked if she had been drinking, the defendant replied: "Well, I had enough to know that I should not be driving."

Senior Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo told Outerbridge she was fortunate that nobody else was injured in the crash.

He said: "You are lucky to be with us, and not to have taken anyone else out."

Outerbridge, 22, who apologised to the court yesterday, admitted impaired driving on July 13. She was disqualified for one year and fined $1,000.