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Woman jogger endures terror ordeal

A woman jogger was subjected to a horrifying ordeal after being knocked to the ground by a male motorist.

The man tried to force her into the front seat of his white hatchback car.

She broke free, but her attacker caught up and dragged her to some nearby bushes. He punched her repeatedly.

Passing motorists alerted by screams came to her rescue, but the driver escaped.

Friends and relatives of the victim have now urged woman joggers to be on their guard and not go out alone.

The incident occurred on Sunday near Bermuda Water Works on Parsons Lane.

The 42-year-old Devonshire woman, who had left her home at 9 a.m., fell to the ground after being nudged from behind.

She realised she had been hit by a white Daihatsu Charade car. The driver got out and approached the woman and asked if she was all right.

She stated she was fine and attempted to ask the man for his name and contact details when he tried to force her into the front seat of his car.

The woman managed to break free, but the suspect pursued her, grabbing hold of her, punching her in the head repeatedly, and gripping her by the neck.

He then dragged his victim to some nearby bushes where he hit her repeatedly all over her body.

The woman managed to get away this time and scream for help.

Passing motorists stopped to help her as the suspect sped away in his car.

The woman sustained bruising to the neck and face and an injury to the right eye.

Police describe the suspect as a white male, approximately 5ft 8 ins to 5ft 10ins with strawberry blonde hair and a Scottish accent. He is believed to be in his early 30s.

Police are appealing for any witnesses, in particular a man in the area who came to the jogger?s aid, to contact Inspector Tracy Adams on 299-4535.

Friends and family members of the woman who was assaulted were sending out emails yesterday asking the public, particularly women who jog and exercise outdoors, to be careful and not to go out alone.

The email asks any women who may have been approached by this man to contact the Police immediately.