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Woman recounts terror attacks at hands of her ex

A Supreme Court jury listened in rapt attention yesterday as a woman told of two terror attacks she allegedly suffered at the hands of her ex-boyfriend during which he beat her, raped her and threatened to slash her face.

He later threatened her family and claimed he was under a voodoo curse, she said.

The alleged victim was the first witness to give testimony as the trial of a Jamaican man accused of two sets of charges of serious sexual assault and unlawful wounding causing grievous bodily harm opened. The defendant, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is also charged with perjury and intimidating a witness between February and September of 2003.

He denies all the charges.

The four-man, eight-woman jury spent the bulk of the day hearing testimony from the alleged victim.

She told the court that she met the defendant at the end of 2001 and they began living together in an apartment in September, 2002.

She said she paid all the bills during their relationship, including a cell phone bill for the defendant.

But the situation began to deteriorate in February, 2003 when she found a condom wrapper in the defendant?s pocket.

The woman said she called him and told him that it wasn?t going to work out anymore because of his infidelity and threw him out of the house.

He came to the house that night, however, and an argument developed.

At 1 a.m. on February 10, 2003, the defendant allegedly came to her house to discuss their break up.

The witness said she told him that she was tired and he could sleep over and talk in the morning, or he could leave. He proceeded to take his clothes off and get into bed.

But then he climbed on top of her and rubbed his penis against her vagina, she said.

?He told me that he wanted to have sex with me then go home and have sex with his girlfriend,? she said.

He reached inside her shirt and twisted her breast until it burned so she spat in his face so that he would stop, she added.

This only angered the man who proceeded to hit her in the face and then put his penis inside her.

The alleged victim told the court she lay there and waited for him to finish because it made no sense to fight back and she assumed he would leave afterwards.

When he didn?t, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her down the hill.

She said she was crying and making noises loud enough that a woman asked if she should call the Police. She cried out to the lady to call the Police.

After that, the defendant took her cell phone and broke it.

She tried to break away and run up the hill but the defendant caught her. He allegedly pulled out a small knife and cut her finger.

?Everything was escalating and I didn?t know what to think,? she said.

The defendant then dragged her back into the house and hit her kneecaps and shins with a monkey wrench that was in her apartment from renovations.

She said she did everything he asked so that he would leave her house and that she called a few people to help her but they refused and the defendant thought it was funny that no one would help her.

Around 6 a.m. the phone rang and she told the defendant to leave because her father was coming to the house. She said he tried to kiss her and told her that she was still his girl then ran out through the side gate.

When he left she said that she called her friend?s mother who encouraged her to call her own mother to inform her of the incident. She told the court that she was ashamed to tell her parents the situation because they didn?t approve of the defendant in her life.

When her father came, he called the Police and made a report. She said she also went to the sexual assault team at the hospital who gave her medical attention.

The case went to Magistrates? Court on May 19, 2003 but in court, she dropped the charges against the defendant. She said she dropped the charges because the defendant told her if she didn?t he would hurt her sisters. ?It?s one thing to attack me but my sisters have nothing to do with it,? she said.

She also told the court that the defendant told her that if she dropped the charges he would go back to Jamaica. After the court case she said he thanked her for dropping the charges but came up to her house the next day and ripped her chain off of her neck and accused her of ruining his life.

She told the court she went out with her friends that night and came home around 10 p.m. and went to sleep. Around 1 a.m. she woke up to someone pulling her by her hair out of bed ? the defendant. She said he pulled out a two-prong kitchen knife and slapped her legs with it causing them to swell.

She said she was crying so much that he pulled the knife and slashed her leg with it in order to make her shut up.

He told her if she didn?t shut up he would slash her face six times.

He also told her that if she had been a good girl none of this would have happened.

She then limped to the bedroom with the defendant where he took off her clothes and proceeded to have non-consensual sex with her.

She said that he wanted her to give him oral sex but she wouldn?t so she bit his penis.

He tried to kiss her and then spat in her face when she resisted.

Three days later, the defendant apologised to her and begged her not to press charges, she said.

He also told her that someone had put Obeah ? a Jamaican voodoo on him. He said he needed to go back to Jamaica to get the curse taken off.

She told him to turn himself in but he refused.

Later she received a call from Police saying he was in their custody.

The trial resumes today in Supreme Court.