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Women mean business, says Keetha

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The upcoming Bermuda Business Women's Conference, to be held on September 20, is looking for women who have the need to lead. Geared towards helping women to achieve leadership positions within the workplace and within the community, the conference will feature prominent women from Bermuda and abroad.

Keetha Lowe, president of Integrated Global Management, the host of the conference, believes leadership by women is paramount to the success of businesses and communities at every level.

"If women are encouraged and more frequently involved at leadership levels, it can only provide a positive resource and greater stability to us as individuals, as a family, community and as a country," she said.

The conference, to be held at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess, aims to hone and enhance the skill sets of professional women of all ages, which will allow them to reach the highest levels of leadership.

"The event is specifically designed to support, develop and honour women leaders, inspire women to achieve their full potential and create balance in leadership and mentorship exchange," said Ms Lowe.

One of the main elements that Ms Lowe hopes women will walk away from the conference with are the eight Tenets of Leadership, a collection of learnings that were developed by Martha Mertz, one of the speakers slated to speak at the conference.

The tenets were developed in the late 1990s after a survey was conducted to learn more about female leadership practices and perspectives. What the survey found was female leaders have a leadership style that is collaborative and consistently pursued excellence.

According to Ms Mertz, the eight tenets lie at the heart of strong female mentors.

"Practiced and handed down by women over centuries, these principles are uniquely suited to help all leaders meet the challenges of the 21st century," she said.

Ms Lowe agrees and believes the tenets can be of great benefit to women in Bermuda as well.

"If ever there was a time when we as Bermudian women could and should find and seek out sources such as the tenets of leadership - it is now. In so many areas of our lives - personal and professional - we are having to rely on our personal strength and foundation to direct, lead and secure our wellbeing, our family, our careers, our business and our community."

Along with learning how to incorporate the eight principles into their lives, participants will also learn how to tap into business skills they may have been unaware existed.

"This event will help participants to identify their untapped resources and also invigorate skills that have otherwise remained dormant," explained Ms Lowe. "Additionallly through direct exchange, networking and speed coaching opportunities with outstanding women (from Bermuda and abroad) who are accomplished and equally empathetic to the challenges of navigating one's personal, professional and business success."

The conference will also cater to women who have already reached high levels of leadership and are looking to further network and promote their interests.

"For those whom are entrepreneurs or fully established business owners, this event also provides a platform to promote and sell your products and services and establish a connection with a receptive and supportive market," said the organiser.

Ultimately, said Ms Lowe, the goal is to help conference attendees achieve their professional and personal dreams.

"We encourage and facilitate the development of the attendee's goals and ambitions. Undoubtedly doors will be opened."

For more information or to register for the Navigating Business Success conference visit www.womensleadershipexchange.com/navigatingsuccess.