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Work on underground cables set to start

Work to put telephone and electricity lines underground in Court Street is set to get underway on Wednesday.

According to Mayor of Hamilton Sutherland Madeiros, new street lighting will be replaced once the cable poles are removed, and the road re-surfaced.

?The wires that hang from the poles at present are very unsightly, ? said Mr. Madeiros. ?The people of that area have been pushing for better treatment than they have had in the past. Under my administration, they are going to get better treatment.?

The initial phase of the project encompasses the area between Dundonald Street and Elliott Street, should take around two to three weeks, and will require traffic diversions. City Engineer Ian Hind said the entire project will see underground cabling right down to Front Street, and this is anticipated to take several months to complete. Some sections of the street will be given additional street lighting. The work will be undertaken by Belco.