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Worker injured on school site

Firefighters help the injured man at the Berkeley School site yesterday.

A construction worker was rushed to hospital yesterday after being knocked unconscious when he was hit by a crane on the Berkeley School construction site.

A fire crew had to use a special truck to lower in a platform to lift the injured man up and put him on a stretcher.

It is understood the man was hit by a chain from the crane just after 9 a.m. and slumped onto a piece of platform.

He was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital just before 10 a.m. with shoulder injuries.

According to VSB, a weight on the chain came loose, and the man, who is in his fifties, only escaped more serious injury by turning away at the last minute.

The site is run by Pro-Active Management and company President Arthur Ebbin said: "As of 12 p.m., the employee is alert and is awaiting the results of X-ray interpretations and proposed treatment for shoulder injuries.

"We have no further information, however, we are monitoring his condition and pray for his full recovery."

Meanwhile, a construction worker at the site attacked Royal Gazette photographer David Skinner yesterday as he tried to take pictures of the incident. The two were separated by Police, who also attended the scene.