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You can run but...

A 34-year-old Sandys Parish man who attempted to flee from Police after he was stopped, admitted his guilt and was fined $900 in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Eugene Keith Smith, of West Side Road appeared before Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves to answer the charge.

Smith was stopped by Police in February of this year as he was travelling on his bike. When the officers approached him, he jumped off the bike and ran, but they later caught up with him.

When asked why he ran, Smith said that it was because he had “weed” on him. Police searched him and found two brown paper twists.

When asked by officers if that was what he was talking about he said: “Yes it's mine I bought it to use personally.”

The drugs were analysed and found to be 11.75 grams of cannabis.

Crown counsel Wayne Caines told the court that Smith had previous convictions for cannabis and cocaine possession where he was sentenced to nine months in prison and fined $700.

Mr. Greaves asked him if he had anything to say, “Your honour I was going through a divorce and was under a lot of pressure. I'm guilty.”

“Because of your past two convictions, the fine has to go up,” said Mr. Greaves.

Before being fined Smith reiterated that the cannabis had been for personal use and was not intended for distribution. If the fine is not paid before next Friday he will spend 90 days in prison.