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Youth attacks care workers

A youth has been sent overseas after attacking two residential care workers ? one in Family Court.The 17-year-old first hit a female staff member at Oleander Cottage home for young offenders on March 5 and when he appeared in court the next day punched a male residential care worker in the ribs ? cracking two of them. Government was tight-lipped about the fate of the youth although sources say he has been sent facility overseas.

A youth has been sent overseas after attacking two residential care workers ? one in Family Court.

The 17-year-old first hit a female staff member at Oleander Cottage home for young offenders on March 5 and when he appeared in court the next day punched a male residential care worker in the ribs ? cracking two of them. Government was tight-lipped about the fate of the youth although sources say he has been sent facility overseas.

A Government spokesman said: ?We can confirm that about two weeks ago one of the Residential Care Officers with the Department of Child and Family Services was pushed in family court.

?We have not received a medical report regarding his injuries, but we can confirm that the officer was at work yesterday ? 22 March.?

However when called Residential Treatment Services on Thursday it was told the worker was still off sick. One source said he had been sent home again on Monday.

The Government spokesman said all family court sessions have a Police officer present.