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Baywatch concern

Where are the guards? A lifeguard station on Horseshoe Beach

There are only 12 qualified lifeguards currently enlisted to watch over Bermuda's beaches this summer.

Up to 20 are needed to man the Island's shores during the summer season but last year just 13 were employed full-time, raising concerns about understaffing and swimmers' safety.

Environment Minister El James however, told MPs last Friday that 27 people qualified as seasonal lifeguards last year.

Speaking in the House of Assembly, in response to questions from Shadow Environment Minister Cole Simons, Mr. James said: "In 2007 there were 27 people who qualified as seasonal lifeguards in Bermuda.

"Currently there are nine qualified and certified seasonal Bermudian lifeguards and three non-Bermudian residents. These lifeguards were certified through the Bermuda Red Cross via the American Red Cross. The other 15 people who worked (in 2007) were qualified throughout the summer using our original qualification system."

Mr. Simons asked Government to inform the House how many resident lifeguards were on "Bermuda's official Lifeguard Register for Bermuda's public beaches". But Mr. James replied that there was no official register. "There is no official Register for Bermuda lifeguards," he said, adding: "There is one full-time post for a Lifeguard Superintendent."

The Minister said the Superintendent was responsible for training programmes and refresher courses and making sure each lifeguard met "required physical and technical standards".

Mr. Simons, Shadow Environment Minister, asked how often the lifeguards took professional development and refresher courses.

Mr. James said: "The seasonal certified Lifeguards must renew their certification every three years. However, they must renew their Adult CPR, Infant CPR, Child CPR, Oxygen Administration, AED and Blood Borne Pathogens certification each year. First Aid is certified for three years, however, they will receive a refresher course before they begin work at the start of the next season.

"Each year, all candidates must re-qualify in their lifeguarding disciplines ie. swimming, use of appropriate rescue equipment (such as rescue boards, rescue cans etc.) before they can return to the beaches as seasonal Lifeguards."