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From Senator to Opposition Leader

It took him 24 years to make it to the House of Assembly, but within five weeks of becoming a Member of Parliament, Kim Swan has also become the new leader of the United Bermuda Party.

Some had speculated the party could disband over the weekend after several MPs expressed concerns about the UBP's electability and over its inability to shake the perception that it only represented white elites.

But Mr. Swan ran unopposed on Saturday and appears to have the backing of his MPs.

His victory in St. George's West in December, where he defeated Dean Foggo, marked the end of a 24 year journey towards the House of Assembly for Mr. Swan.

While his first taste of politics was representing Warwick Secondary School in the Bermuda Youth Parliament, it was not until he worked for UBP MP Ralph Marshall in the Southampton West branch office that he was exposed to the inner workings of Bermuda's political process.

A decade later he ran for Parliament — the first of four attempts.

Despite his failure to win the seat he persevered, writing letters and articles for The Royal Gazette and working at the branch level.

Mr. Swan moved to St. George's in 1985 and decided to toss his hat in the ring for the 1998 election, running in St. George's North against Dame Jennifer Smith and Delaey Robinson. Again he was unsuccessful, but was appointed to the Senate. He was the only UBP candidate to make gains during that election, the first election the PLP had ever won.

He was appointed Opposition Senate Leader in 2001 and is known for his outspoken nature and passion for St. George's — often raising the need for a dedicated Police station for the town in recent years.

He ran again in the 2003 election in the new St. George's East constituency and lost by only 22 votes.

But in 2007 Mr. Swan was finally successful, something he puts down to perseverance and hard work. He beat out his opponent by 17 votes.

Off the political field Mr. Swan is well known as the first Bermudian to hold membership on the PGA European Tour.

He was educated at Troy State University in Alabama, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 1980.

He was the MVP for Troy State University in 1978/79, won two collegiate individual titles and his team finished fourth in the NCAA Division II Championship in 1979. After graduating, he went on to play golf on the PGA European Tour from 1981 to1983.

After returning to the Island he ran the St George's Golf Club for over 16 years, serving as the General Manager and Golf Pro.

Mr. Swan, who is 49, is married to Ercinda "Cindy" Swan, the co-founder of Project Action. They are the proud parents of four children.